Eastbourne – Wish Tower to Hollywell

Eastbourne – Wish Tower to Holywell

Eastbourne Wish Tower to Hollywell 1
Eastbourne Wish Tower to Hollywell Seaside walk











Eastbourne - Wish Tower to Hollywell walk are map
Area Map

Distance\Route Map
Distance\Route Map


Walk Information

The walk is shown on the Google Maps here

  • Difficulty: 1 – Easy route  (2 – Medium route)
  • Distance:  Easy Route
    • Easy Route 2.92 km/ 1.81 Miles
    • Medium Route: 3.0 km/1.86 Miles
  • Dog Friendly: Yes
  • Wheelchair Friendly: Yes (if following easy route)
  • Toilets available: Yes
  • Refreshments: Yes

Car Park Location

  • Ordinance Survey Grid Reference: TV 61381 98320
  • Latitude\Longitude: N 50.762036 E 0.28687835
  • Post Code (Nearest): BN21 4DS




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